Band Assisted Lying Hamstring Stretch (See Video Below)

Band Assisted Lying Hamstring Stretch (See Video Below)

Education & Exercise Go Hand In Hand

From the CatholicFIT Week 7 Hand Out:

The principle of Education states that we are always learning new things about our body at each stage and age of life. Education equals mindfulness. Being mindful, that is, listening to your body when you exercise and stretch, is always a learning experience as it may tell you which joints and muscles are tight, sore, stiff and even injured.

Stretching, foam rolling and other self-administered bodywork is an acquired skill. You cannot simply stretch daily and see results. As with all things CatholicFIT, the key is intention and mindfulness. When we stretch, we are essentially (and initially) exploring tight, stiff and stubborn parts of our body. After finding these areas, we attempt to reduce the tension and tightness in those areas. We also want to experience an immediate result with each stretch we do.

To complement the week on Education, we are working on the fundamental human movement of Single Leg Stance & Stepping Up/Down along with Hamstring Stretches and Walking Bridges. Here are a few of these exercises below shown individually and as a part of a circuit. For more on these exercises, please check out the current schedule for Family Fitness Workshops and also ask me about holding a CatholicFIT Workshop for your group, club or team.

Single Leg Step Backs – Demo Video

Short video demonstrating a cross over step back you can perform off of your porch step or bottom step in your basement. This moves improves your hip strength and balance. It also tests your strength and balance from one leg to the other. Start with 1-3 sets of 10-15 step backs per leg.

Heel to Heel Step Off to the Side

This is a challenging step back to improve your hip strength and balance. Also perform this one off of your porch step or bottom stair in your basement. Press through the heel that is on the step and contract your glutes through the entire move.

Sample Training “Circuit” of 4 Exercises

This circuit of four exercises includes exercise movements we have covered each week: Pressing Strength > Step Back > Pulling Strength > Leg/Pressing Strength. If you have access to a gym or dumbbells, try this circuit for 2-3 rounds of 8-10 reps per exercise.

Hamstring Stretch

Lying stretch to reduce tension in the back of your thigh. Listen to your body and explore these stretches at your own pace. Hold each stretch for 30-120 seconds to effect muscle length. Becky is using a rubber band in the video but you can also use a regular belt.

Hamstring Stretch Variations – Hamstring & Butterfly Stretches Against the Wall

This is a great cool-down stretch or any time movement to do as it cues you into good posture and stretches both your thighs and groin/inner thigh muscles. When you add in the high arm reach, you always work your postural muscles that help straighten your upper back.

Calf Stretch

Relieve tension in your calves, lower legs and heel cord by performing the two variations demonstrated in this video. Always stretch your calves and heels first with a straight leg and then with a bent knee. Note the difference. Watch for more videos on ankle mobility that specifically hits the ankle joint which is probably more important than stretching just the soft tissues (muscles) around the joint.

Try these out and always check back for more videos … CatholicFIT videos are always being updated to appropriate supplement the  most current CatholicFIT School Curriculum.


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