CatholicFIT Rotational Stretches - The Pretzel Stretch

In order to perform twisting exercises, we stretch in a twisted position on the floor. Becky is doing a pretzel stretch here.

Fitness is defined as the ability to perform a task. If the purpose for your exercise is to improve your ability to perform daily tasks, plus honor and express your physical gifts, (and do so in your daily activity, sport and in service for others), you may not only improve your fitness level, but will remain motivated to stick with your (Catholic;) fitness plan.

The Week 9 Student-Family Worksheet is here. (Opens up a PDF.)

Pray for Faithfulness

The Week 9 theme and 9th Pillar of Catholic Fitness is Prayer & Reflection. The first thing I always pray for is Faith. Faith is one of the three Theological Virtues, along with Hope and Charity. I pray for faith in the idea that no matter how big or small my effort is in being a faithful and fit person, it matters. Whether I have time to sit in church alone for an hour or say a quick prayer in the car on the way to work … whether I have time to go to the gym and get a good sweat going for 45 minutes or walk my dog for 10 minutes, it matters.

Pray for faith. Reflect on what you are doing in any moment to improve your physical and spiritual awareness to help you make better decisions. That is what week 9 is all about.

Even Mother Teresa prayed for more faith. She reminds us that we do not have to be successful, only faithful. And to have faith in the small things.

Here are this week’s exercises.

Twisting & Rotational Exercises

In week 9 we continue to combine movements we have covered in previous weeks. In this short demonstration video, I review a few twisting exercises that are great for balance, athletic performance and better walking ability.

Lying Scorpion & Pretzel Stretches

Listen to your body with these, and be mindful not to overstretch your lower back. The flexibility of these movements should come from your upper back and hips, not your lower back/lumbar spine.

Please comment below or on Facebook and let us know if you have any questions or comments or would like to hear us explain an exercise you are curious about. We will be posting more exercises on the YouTube Channel and at






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